Recent Favourites – 1

Hey Everyone,

I’m sorry its been a while since my last post, but I am going to be changing my posting schedule to Sundays! I work a Monday-Friday job and so changing the day of posting hopefully means I will have more time to dedicate to my blog. Rather then trying to get something posted on a Wednesday.

Onto the post! I have found that I am not a huge fan (for myself) to make monthly favourite posts, so instead I am just going to wait until I have a few things I just HAVE to share with you before making a post!


These are the items that I have been loving recently! A bit if a mix of items which is always refreshing.

Essence I ❤ Extreme
I picked this up because I had been recommended it by a friend! I am not a fan of using this on the top lashes, as I feel it doesn’t do much for my lashes. On my lower lashes though I love it! The brush has short bristles making it easy to get all of my lashes and give them an even coat. I have had no problems with transferring on my lower lashes so its a winner in my books!

Mario Badescu Facial Spray with Aloe, Cucumber and Green Tea
I picked this up as apart of my last Mecca order because I was in serious need of a new toner and I forget how cheap Mario Badescu actually is! So I picked up this bad boy and I have no regrets. I think I am forever converted to this bad boy. At the start I had a little trouble with the spritzer but it seems to have worked itself out and now works perfectly. The spritz gets all of my face and a bit of my neck easily which I am thankful for as it means this product will last me a long time.

Clarins Instant Light Lip Comfort Oil
After all the hype from friends I had to get this and I am so glad that I did. I use this at work and my lips are loving it! I am worried I am going through it a little too quickly but either way I am glad that I have this. The doefoot applicator is still in good condition, which is something I was worried about. I have also dropped this many times and it hasn’t smashed so that is also a win. Wearing this oil has also stopped me from biting my lips so much. So overall, a good product and I am so glad that I have it.

Travellers Notebook Cover – Harry Potter Style (Created by Paper Flower Design as a custom cover)
I AM SO IN LOVE. I got this custom cover made for my LT 1917 Bullet Journal and it is perfect and just what I wanted. On the back is the Hufflepuff crest because I am a proud Hufflepuff! For those curious, this is also the same size as the Hobonichi Techo Cousin and the cover has been designed the same way that they are. The notebook slips into pockets on either cover meaning that the cover is easily interchangeable with notebooks of the same size. I have wiggle room in this cover which is awesome! So if my next Bujo gets really junkie it wont really matter. If you want to see more of whats inside either my Bujo or more of the cover in the future, check out my planner Instagram: Casually Planning

These are the things that I have been loving recently! Let me know what you have been loving or if there is anything you want a more in-depth review on.

Let me know what you think about the schedule change as well.

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Empties August 2017

Hey Everyone,

It has been such a long time since I made an empties post. Sadly I don’t have much to show but I am not worried as any progress on my collection is good!


Products I would Repurchase:
I have finally finished my Anastasia Beverly Hills Brow Wiz and I am a little sad! If I am in need of another brow pencil I would not think twice about getting this. The Neutrogena Deep Clean Facial Cleanser is something I have used multiple times and go back to it when I am not sure what I want.


Would not Repurchase:
I was not in love with either of the Essence Mascaras, I found they did not last on my lashes. Lovestruck is a great perfume, its just not a scent that I like to wear anymore. Plus I have so many other perfumes to work through.


Would Repurchase if I had the $$$$:
I have loved Estee Lauder skin care for a long time and it pains me to be without these two products. My skin changes so much when I stop using them so I cannot wait for the next gift with purchase where I can hopefully get more samples. I enjoyed using the Dior Capture Totale but unless I had some gift cards I can not justify this moisturiser.

What do you think of this style of empties post? Let me know!

Lets get social! Fine me on:

