I’m Vlogging?!

Hey Everyone,

How have you all been? I know I have not been very active on here lately and I am so sorry for that! But I have some exciting this coming up, like the event that I am at the day this post goes live! So be sure to stick around to see all the gossip about that in the weeks to come.

While University has been kicking my butt in regards to being a good blogger, I seem to have found myself finally getting the courage to vlog! I have been wanting to do it for such a long time and what better time is there then the present!

I honestly feel nervous sharing this with you guys, but seeing as I am always being nosey and wanting to know what other people are up to, I thought it only fair that I let you do the same!

Currently I am doing weekly vlogs, and they are super fun to do, I am still learning how to edit my videos and what is good content so be sure to let me know what you think! My channel is:


My vlog name is totally different to my blog name and I did that on purpose. My vlogs are my life, whereas my blog has a beauty/ lifestyle focus. If you have any questions in regards to my channel name don’t hesitate to get into contact with me!

There will be overlap with some content, as what happens when you vlog and blog, so if you are subscribed to both you will probably get sneak peaks into future posts and also a look into what goes on in your average Adelaide Bloggers life!

I hope to see you there!

Lets get social:



